Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Take 2!

We got a call from the agency today. There is another birthmom that wants to meet with us. She is due in early May. We are going to have a telephone conference with her on Thursday night and then depending on how things go we are going to meet with her in person (she lives 2 to 3 hours away). And, again, we are the only people she wants to meet with.
I am not as nervous about this meeting as I was with the first one because I've "been there done that". I also think that it being over the phone may be better because Jason and I can nudge each other and write down questions and information.
I'll let you know how it goes. This may end up being the best birthday present ever (I turned 34 today - was dreading it, but it may not end up being so bad).


M said...

My thoughts are with you and hope this one turns out to be the PERFECT birthday gift....even if the actual present arrives a little late. ((HUGS))

Jennifer said...

I'm crossing my fingers and toes that this works out beautifully for y'all! This would be an amazing birthday present, wouldn't it? Good luck and I can't wait to hear how it goes tomorrow!